I always wanted to design a personalized necklace that was unique and that I hadn't seen in the market yet. The quality and weight of the initials along with the pristine fluted texture reminds me of elements of vintage jewelry, and the font and styling are fresh and modern.
- Available in 14k yellow, rose or white gold
- All letters available, as well as heart icon with diamond center and star icon with diamond center
- Necklace with 1 letter is $650
- Each additional letter is $150 each
- Heart or star with diamond center are $155 each
- Necklace can be worn at 16 or 18" with adjustable clasp
- To purchase select the quantity of characters, select quantity of icons
- Select Name under Personalize and enter characters manually
- Enter characters in UPPERCASE and icons in lowercase
- Example MILESTONESstarBYheartAB
- By Milestones by Ashleigh Bergman